I can honestly say that this has been one of the books God has used to completely transform my thinking and my life. Wilkinson’s premise for the book is that God is always at work doing the miraculous, and that we were born to partner with Him in delivering miracles of every kind, from the simple to the enormous. But it’s up to us to surrender our lives each day to God’s agenda, to ask Him for a heart to see the needs of people, to realize that we cannot do anything without the Holy Spirit’s power, and to know that partnering with God involves risks of money and time as we're led by Him to love others.
Everything he said made perfect sense, so I decided to start my mornings with a fresh commitment to being God’s servant to do whatever He asked. Like Isaiah, I began praying, “Lord, here I am, send me.” I also started praying that God would open my eyes to see the people He wanted me to deliver a miracle to that day. And I set out the door to experience a whole new adventure.
It would take a book to record all God has done over the past five months since I started praying with a new focus and vision. I’ve been completely astounded by the overwhelming display of His grace and mercy as He’s provided daily divine appointments and given me a whole new perspective on living the Christian life.
I’ve watched Him do the impossible, provide
extraordinary needs, bring emotional healing and reverse many seemingly
hopeless situations. He’s unveiled these miracles in the midst of the mundane
revealing His power and love in life changing ways. There is nothing
in my entire life that compares with the beauty and awe of seeing God’s hand at
work and getting to be a part of it.
I’m now convinced that God is not only actively working at all times doing extraordinary things, but He longs for His children to partner with Him so that we can be even greater agents of blessing and grace to the glory of His name. But living like this doesn’t just happen. It’s intentional and involves doing the opposite of what I’m used to doing in my flesh, which means breaking long standing habits. As I’ve been encouraged by God’s great work, I’ve been asking Him to show me the major hindrances that are keeping me from seeing His presence and power displayed throughout the day. This is what I’ve discovered.
Reasons I miss out on seeing God do the miraculous
I’m not looking for Him. Unless I’m watching and praying, I’m not going to see God at work. He says that if I want something, I need to ask, seek and knock (Matt 7:7-8). He provides when I ask and answers when I pray according to His Word. When I’m praying and seeking by faith then I begin anticipating that He’s going to do something; I start watching for His hand to intervene in situations and to open doors for me to be an agent of His grace.
About eight years ago, our family was going through a really intense trial that was impacting every area of our lives. Together we were crying out for deliverance. God used that difficulty to teach me to pray and watch and not give up looking for Him, like I’ve been so apt to do.
I’m now convinced that God is not only actively working at all times doing extraordinary things, but He longs for His children to partner with Him so that we can be even greater agents of blessing and grace to the glory of His name. But living like this doesn’t just happen. It’s intentional and involves doing the opposite of what I’m used to doing in my flesh, which means breaking long standing habits. As I’ve been encouraged by God’s great work, I’ve been asking Him to show me the major hindrances that are keeping me from seeing His presence and power displayed throughout the day. This is what I’ve discovered.
Reasons I miss out on seeing God do the miraculous
I’m not looking for Him. Unless I’m watching and praying, I’m not going to see God at work. He says that if I want something, I need to ask, seek and knock (Matt 7:7-8). He provides when I ask and answers when I pray according to His Word. When I’m praying and seeking by faith then I begin anticipating that He’s going to do something; I start watching for His hand to intervene in situations and to open doors for me to be an agent of His grace.
About eight years ago, our family was going through a really intense trial that was impacting every area of our lives. Together we were crying out for deliverance. God used that difficulty to teach me to pray and watch and not give up looking for Him, like I’ve been so apt to do.
I’m not sure how it
started, but the Spirit nudged me one day when I was opening the blinds and
looking out over the mountains to begin making a declaration of faith that I
was waiting for God. My conversation with Him went something like this, “God, I
know you’re coming to deliver us. I’m not sure if today’s the day, but I’m
looking for you and I’m right here waiting.” It became part of my routine for
almost a year until God did show up in a miraculous way.
Other people all around are also praying desperate prayers for God deliver and provide for their needs. And because God usually sends regular people to show His love, I have a great opportunity to pray that God will show me those who are hurting and in need so that I can share the grace I’ve received.
I’m focused on meeting my own needs. I often become double minded, trying to live for both God and the world. As I surrender to the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, I’m sidetracked from looking for God. In fact, as I’m chasing after these things, I’m actually looking in the opposite direction so that my back is turned on God and the miraculous.
The other day when Mark and I were at the ocean we were surrounded by beauty. He was focused on taking pictures of the bay and all the ships coming in. I happened to turn around and notice the most extraordinary sunset I’d seen since we'd been in Korea. I started trying to get his attention, but he was already satisfied with the beauty he was looking at and didn’t want to move. When I realized that he was going to miss something so incredible, I started shouting,“You have to turn around. Just for one second, please just look.”
I think that’s a lot like what is going on with God and me. He’s at work all around me doing incredible things in the lives of others, changing hearts, providing needs, strengthening those who are weak and wanting me to join Him in these great transformations, but I’ve got my eyes glued on what I think is the greater prize so I’m just missing it all.
I’m too busy to notice hurting people. I often convince myself that being busy for God is what He wants, but He really wants me to slow down so that I have time to see Him at work. As soon as I get up each day I have an agenda. I might pray for a lot of people and ask God to do something great, but then I go into automatic mode and get to work checking off what I’m going to do that day. I move from one event to the next with such drive that I fail to see God in the middle of everything, even the tiny and seemingly insignificant events.
People are everywhere in my day, passing me in the halls, coming into my office, sitting in the classroom. And they all have needs, desires and prayers that they’re waiting on God to answer. I’m often too rushed to partner with God in making heart connections with them by listening, responding and delivering His miracles because I’m so focused on working for Him.
Just yesterday I was walking down the hall when I saw a student who has a life threatening health issue. We often talk and he tells me how he’s doing. But I was too busy to stop yesterday. After seeing him the first time, I walked in a room and came out again a few minutes later only to almost run into him. I took this as an obvious clue that God was there and wanted me to slow down and forget my schedule. After talking, I found out he was really sick and discouraged and needed prayer. I lost a chance to make some copies, but God had so much more in mind. He met us to remind us both that He’s alive and present and wants to meet our needs as we take time to make heart connections with each other.
I’ve lost faith in God’s ability and willingness to do the miraculous. So many times, I lose the sense of wonder that I had when God first reached down and breathed new life in me. I hear a lot of stories of how He showed up and did the incredible for other people, but it can sometimes seem like forever ago that it actually happened in my life.
There have been dozens of times when our family has faced the impossible and, unfortunately, I’m usually the first one to say that it's not going to work.
About three years ago, my husband decided that we needed to talk with the girls about a situation that could change our future, so we prayed and he told the girls what was going on. My response was, “Well, it’s just time to move on and do something else.” That’s when our older daughter stood up on the chair and started saying that we were not going to give up. She reminded us that our God was a God of power and could do so much more than we even imagined.
The most ironic part of her inspiring talk was that she was wearing a sweatshirt with the word Faith on it in bold letters. God had gone out of His way to show me the extreme contrast of her childlike confidence in His ability to do anything and my own unbelief in order to challenge me to trust in Him for a miracle.
Thankfully, it’s never too late to change
Since our villa overlooks the bay, I get to see a lot of ships coming and going. One day as I was watching a ship plow out through the opening in the breakwater to the ocean, I noticed that it started to slow down and before long was doing a u-turn so that it completely turned around and headed back to the bay. At that moment, I sensed God reminding me that it’s never too late to change, to let go of a bad habit, to turn back to living by faith and walking in trust. I’m learning to take action as soon as I see I’m losing my vision of God’s greatness and power and I’m not expecting him to show up in the average events of my day.
This awareness is a warning light that goes off, showing me I’m about to enter a place of self absorbtion unless I allow God to turn me around. I know how prone I am to choose a life of comfort over one of faith, so I’m also learning to ask for God’s help, knowing that He wants me to have a heart like His and is always willing to give me wisdom when I ask for it.
As I become aware that my focus has shifted away from God and His amazing plans to reach people with hope, I become convicted that I need supernatural help from the Spirit, who motivates me to begin resisting the flesh and drawing near to God. With His help, I can start once again to pray and anticipate God’s presence and power and refuse to give up watching for Him and expecting to be a part of His divine appointments.
It’s a conscious decision that takes effort, but it’s the most exciting, worthwhile effort I’ve ever experienced. God is busy doing incredible, life changing things and looking for people like you and me who are willing to say,“Here I am today. I’ll do whatever you ask and give whatever you want me to give for the chance to partner with you in being a blessing to others.” As God’s children there is no greater joy.
“And I said, “Here am I. Send me!: Is 6:8
Other people all around are also praying desperate prayers for God deliver and provide for their needs. And because God usually sends regular people to show His love, I have a great opportunity to pray that God will show me those who are hurting and in need so that I can share the grace I’ve received.
I’m focused on meeting my own needs. I often become double minded, trying to live for both God and the world. As I surrender to the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, I’m sidetracked from looking for God. In fact, as I’m chasing after these things, I’m actually looking in the opposite direction so that my back is turned on God and the miraculous.
The other day when Mark and I were at the ocean we were surrounded by beauty. He was focused on taking pictures of the bay and all the ships coming in. I happened to turn around and notice the most extraordinary sunset I’d seen since we'd been in Korea. I started trying to get his attention, but he was already satisfied with the beauty he was looking at and didn’t want to move. When I realized that he was going to miss something so incredible, I started shouting,“You have to turn around. Just for one second, please just look.”
I think that’s a lot like what is going on with God and me. He’s at work all around me doing incredible things in the lives of others, changing hearts, providing needs, strengthening those who are weak and wanting me to join Him in these great transformations, but I’ve got my eyes glued on what I think is the greater prize so I’m just missing it all.
I’m too busy to notice hurting people. I often convince myself that being busy for God is what He wants, but He really wants me to slow down so that I have time to see Him at work. As soon as I get up each day I have an agenda. I might pray for a lot of people and ask God to do something great, but then I go into automatic mode and get to work checking off what I’m going to do that day. I move from one event to the next with such drive that I fail to see God in the middle of everything, even the tiny and seemingly insignificant events.
People are everywhere in my day, passing me in the halls, coming into my office, sitting in the classroom. And they all have needs, desires and prayers that they’re waiting on God to answer. I’m often too rushed to partner with God in making heart connections with them by listening, responding and delivering His miracles because I’m so focused on working for Him.
Just yesterday I was walking down the hall when I saw a student who has a life threatening health issue. We often talk and he tells me how he’s doing. But I was too busy to stop yesterday. After seeing him the first time, I walked in a room and came out again a few minutes later only to almost run into him. I took this as an obvious clue that God was there and wanted me to slow down and forget my schedule. After talking, I found out he was really sick and discouraged and needed prayer. I lost a chance to make some copies, but God had so much more in mind. He met us to remind us both that He’s alive and present and wants to meet our needs as we take time to make heart connections with each other.
I’ve lost faith in God’s ability and willingness to do the miraculous. So many times, I lose the sense of wonder that I had when God first reached down and breathed new life in me. I hear a lot of stories of how He showed up and did the incredible for other people, but it can sometimes seem like forever ago that it actually happened in my life.
There have been dozens of times when our family has faced the impossible and, unfortunately, I’m usually the first one to say that it's not going to work.
About three years ago, my husband decided that we needed to talk with the girls about a situation that could change our future, so we prayed and he told the girls what was going on. My response was, “Well, it’s just time to move on and do something else.” That’s when our older daughter stood up on the chair and started saying that we were not going to give up. She reminded us that our God was a God of power and could do so much more than we even imagined.
The most ironic part of her inspiring talk was that she was wearing a sweatshirt with the word Faith on it in bold letters. God had gone out of His way to show me the extreme contrast of her childlike confidence in His ability to do anything and my own unbelief in order to challenge me to trust in Him for a miracle.
Thankfully, it’s never too late to change
Since our villa overlooks the bay, I get to see a lot of ships coming and going. One day as I was watching a ship plow out through the opening in the breakwater to the ocean, I noticed that it started to slow down and before long was doing a u-turn so that it completely turned around and headed back to the bay. At that moment, I sensed God reminding me that it’s never too late to change, to let go of a bad habit, to turn back to living by faith and walking in trust. I’m learning to take action as soon as I see I’m losing my vision of God’s greatness and power and I’m not expecting him to show up in the average events of my day.
This awareness is a warning light that goes off, showing me I’m about to enter a place of self absorbtion unless I allow God to turn me around. I know how prone I am to choose a life of comfort over one of faith, so I’m also learning to ask for God’s help, knowing that He wants me to have a heart like His and is always willing to give me wisdom when I ask for it.
As I become aware that my focus has shifted away from God and His amazing plans to reach people with hope, I become convicted that I need supernatural help from the Spirit, who motivates me to begin resisting the flesh and drawing near to God. With His help, I can start once again to pray and anticipate God’s presence and power and refuse to give up watching for Him and expecting to be a part of His divine appointments.
It’s a conscious decision that takes effort, but it’s the most exciting, worthwhile effort I’ve ever experienced. God is busy doing incredible, life changing things and looking for people like you and me who are willing to say,“Here I am today. I’ll do whatever you ask and give whatever you want me to give for the chance to partner with you in being a blessing to others.” As God’s children there is no greater joy.
“And I said, “Here am I. Send me!: Is 6:8