Monday, June 18, 2018

Everyday Faith

     The resurrection reminds us of the life giving, Spirit empowering reality of Christ’s victory over death, sin and Satan. It redirects our often distracted gaze back to the cross with the guarantee that God has restored us to himself and given us eternal life. With the promise of our forever union with Christ, we also gain confidence that every lesser promise will be fulfilled, or as the apostle Paul put it – every one of his promises are “yes’ and amen” in Christ (2 Cor 1:20). The certainty that he’s not only secured our eternal destiny but has taken responsibility for meeting all our needs, enables us to recommit our hearts to seeking first his Kingdom and righteousness, knowing that all these other things will be provided as well (Matt 6:33).
     If…. then….
     If he did not hold back his Son and allowed him to suffer and die on the cross to restore our broken relationship, then why would he not give us everything else we need (Rm 8:32)? God guarantees that if we set our hearts on him and his Kingdom, he will take care of all the other needs. He has written this promise, along with thousands of others concerning his intention to lovingly look after his children, and sealed them in the blood of Christ so that we do not have to wonder if he is really serious. Since he’s already given us the greater gift of his Son and his Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance, he’ll most definitely give us the less significant gifts that we need for life so that we can effectively follow Him.
     It takes trust….
     Too often there is a huge disconnect in our lives and practice with regard to trusting him for “all these other things”. I’ve found this to be true in my own life. I often proclaim without any hesitation trust in his promise that when I die I will go to be with Christ. But ask me on certain days if I’m sure about God’s provision for my other perceived needs and I may flinch. I realize how completely illogical it is for me to say that I’m trusting Christ to save me, to literally raise me from the dead and give me a resurrection body, and still live in doubt that God is going to provide all the essentials for life.
     The only way to bridge the gap of this fear and doubt is through knowing him better, spending time in the Word and prayer.  He says that faith comes from hearing (listening to, trusting and following) his Word (Rm 10:17). The more we learn about his faithful love, along with his many other characteristics, the more inclined we are to trust him to do what he says he’ll do in the here and now as well as the distant future.
     One story that is especially inspiring in overcoming the gulf between trusting in God’s power to transform day to day life and the actual unbelief we’re living in is of the man who came to Jesus for healing of his tormented son (Mk 9:14-29). He came complaining that the disciples could not heal his son, but Jesus turned the conversation back to his own lack of faith when he basically asked him, “What about you? Do you believe I am who I claim to be and can transform your life right now in this moment?” Rather than walk away in shame or even try to cover up his lack of faith he responded with humility and honesty, “I believe. Help my unbelief” (Mk 9:24, NIV).
     Interestingly, his willingness to confess and repent of his unbelief stands in great contrast to the Pharisees and Sadducees who were, as Isaiah prophesied and Jesus proclaimed, “ever seeing but not perceiving” (Is 6:9; Mk 4:12). Their self-sufficiency and self-righteousness kept them from seeing their need for God’s miraculous intervention in salvation as well as daily grace to provide for their needs. Like the parable of the rich man who had so much “stuff” that he built a barn to store his excess, they learned to trust in their own wisdom, resources and strength instead of turning to Christ in childlike faith and asking him to meet their needs, both the greater and the lesser.
     Thousands of years later we realize that we are also immersed in the same kind of culture – one that either denies the need for God’s power or has reduced him to a savior who will eventually keep us from eternal destruction. When we embrace either way of thinking, we miss out on experiencing his all sufficient presence and provision throughout the minutes of our lives.  Instead of truly believing Christ’s command to seek him first, to love him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to trust him to give us everything, we listen to the lies that tell us we have to seek first our own security and self-preservation. The underlying fear and unbelief in God’s goodness, ability and power, keeps us from looking to him to abundantly care for us and supply all our needs.  And we end up missing out on a whole lot more than we could ever imagine.
     The great news is we don’t have to keep living like this. We can call out to the Father with the same prayer a desperate man prayed almost 2,000 years ago when he saw his need for God’s hand in his everyday life, while also recognizing his own lack of faith – “I believe, help my unbelief!” It’s a prayer of faith the Father loves to answer that will change the trajectory of our lives as we make the shift from trusting in own abilities and resources to allowing Christ to be both Lord and Savior. Letting go of this striving frees us to rest in his all-sufficient love and provision and enables us to live out our true purpose in life.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matt 6:33).

Friday, June 15, 2018

Christlike Love....Is it possible?

     When I first came to Christ many years ago, the idea of Christian love was massively confusing. The commands to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” and “do good to those who hate you” made no sense at all (Matt 5:44, Lk 6:27). I practiced just the opposite for twenty plus years and, honestly, this sounded like really dangerous and even bad advice.  I remember the first chance I had to put faith into action regarding forgiveness and how beautifully strange it felt. On the one hand, I was giving up my right to retaliate and win. On the other, I was gaining victory by choosing to love, relying on Christ to win for me. It was about as close to walking on water as I could imagine.
     Fast forward thirty years and I find myself in all kinds of situations that continue to challenge this call to love and forgiveness, especially when I receive mixed messages. Trying to understand what a person actually means and what his or her intentions are can be incredibly confusing. And it is tempting to focus on discernment, rather than love, so that I can guard my heart from further pain. I reason that if I can learn to discern well enough, I can avoid painful relationships altogether. But, this is not the call of Christ – to measure out love and forgiveness only to those I consider deserving or trustworthy while protecting myself from the others. His call is to love them regardless -- when they say what they mean and mean what they say, and when they do the exact opposite. Why? Because that’s what he did.
     The disciples said they loved Jesus, but they slept when he was preparing to die and continued sleeping in spite of his pleading that they pray. They denied him when faced with the choice of comfort or following him, and they tried to use him for position and power. They even tried to trick him into giving them more food. But none of this deterred Christ from showing them love. He could have easily left the boat rides, the mountainsides, the dusty roads, the Garden and the Cross with a well-documented and justified declaration that these people were not trustworthy and did not deserve His love. His case would have been clear cut, even among his family members, who refused to trust and follow him. Yet we see him blessing his enemies, refusing to retaliate, feeding those who were needy but did not see their need for him, healing many who were not thankful and leading those who were struggling to accept His divine position as their very creator.
     Jesus loved profoundly, extravagantly, sacrificially and wisely but not blindly. He knew the heart of man was deceptive. While he was committed to lavishly giving love, he never put his hope or trust in the return of it. His confidence was that the Father alone could give the faithful love that never fails, and only he as the God man could perfectly live it out by the Spirit’s power. His motivation to love those completely incapable of returning the same kind of love was never based on need or desire but on a heart that was already perfectly satisfied with by his Father’s love.
     Unlike Christ, we often enter relationships with certain expectations that others will love us in return -- that they’ll value us and treat us with the dignity and worth Christ has assigned to us as his image bearers. But we know this does not always happen. Instead, we often leave relationships battled and somewhat scarred. Those we trust sometimes betray us. The ones we sacrifice for sometimes show us the least grace. Those we defend at times attack us. Instead of trying to discern who is going to love us well, we can instead decide to love all those Jesus places in our lives with his love, refusing to be discouraged when they do not return the same, or even when they give us evil for the good we have offered them.
     Our ability and power to show this kind of love can only come from Christ. He not only set the perfect example to show us the way forward, but he has etched his truth on believers' hearts by the Word and the Spirit. We can look to him, the great author of our faith, and see that he did all this not for the immediate gratification of getting his needs met but for the joy set before him (Heb 12:2). He was able to scorn the shame of rejection, press past the broken promises and insults, and refuse to be discouraged by unbelief and the slander, not because he believed these responses would change but because he was on a divine mission to pour out the most downright, beautiful love mankind would ever know. His eyes were fixed on the prize of the mysterious cross, where sin and death were defeated by resurrection power and shame was eclipsed by honor and glory unimaginable.
     Christlike love relinquishes our right to be treated fairly, our demand to see immediate justice and our often obsessive longing to be loved in return. In exchange, we receive the promise that he is with us and will comfort us when our hearts are broken, that he will love us perfectly in the way we long for and that he will give us the grace, strength and wisdom we need to keep loving and giving, over and over and over again, until all anger and hurt and even death comes to a complete end. At that instant, all brokenness and pain from imperfect love will cease, and we’ll experience the incomprehensible fullness of the perfect love of our Father, forever (Eph 3:20).